Interview – Meeting our scientific department

Welcome to this series of interviews with different departments within Aristotle Technologies. We will dive into different departments within our team and give you an insight into the dynamic environment of Aristotle Technologies. The first department is the scientific department, which consists of a young and motivated team: Jesse & Evi!

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Written by Lynn van Mourik

Jesse Muijsenberg is 26 and has a dual bachelor-degree in Biomedical Sciences and Medicine. Jesse volunteers in first aid at Sports Doctors, and among other things, she plays tennis, padel and baton twirling. Jesse has always been interested in the medical and scientific side of sport. What is motivating her in her job is that the emphasis is not only on the physical aspect of sports, but that the functioning of the brain is inseparably linked to top performance.

Evi van Goor is 25 years old and loves her work. She is a doctor and worked in the emergency room for a year, but is currently working in the pediatric department at the hospital. Every day she marvels at how strong and resilient children are, and how they can always put a smile on their faces despite everything.

What is your role within Aristotle Technologies?

Jesse: As the Scientific Lead, my role doesn’t come with a clearly defined job description. I find myself handling various small tasks here and there. However, my primary responsibility is to ensure that all tasks implemented in our tools are grounded in existing scientific literature. This means that every task is backed by a well-thought-out rationale. It’s crucial to document and translate this information so that everyone understands the purpose and the specific area of the brain we are focusing on.

An important aspect of my role is maintaining balance within the team. I make sure that we avoid nonsensical discussions and that our work remains grounded in scientific principles.

Evi: Within my position, I try to make the link between the scientific department and the marketing department. I make sure that all the information we publish is scientifically proven, or correctly stated.

Can you share a memorable experience or project that you’ve worked on during your time at Aristotle?

Evi: What I think was really impressive to see, is how the Sofia tool developed over the time that I’ve been part of the Aristotle team. What the development team can do with all the images and sound effects makes it much more fun and useful for children and is very promising for the future.

Jesse: I find it hard to name just one moment, but what stands out for me is working with partners, getting feedback, processing that feedback and then getting great reactions, which is the most fun part of the job, from which I get a lot of energy.

A specific project is the project with Kempenhaeghe. Kempenhaeghe is truly a distinguished neurological institute, and they are enthusiastic about collaborating with us to design a tool aimed at enhancing the well-being of children.

Why is it so important to have a scientific department at Aristotle Technologies?

Evi: I think it’s very important to scientifically support your product. It is not only that we try to prove through scientific research that our product works, but we also take ideas from science on how to develop our product in the best way. Best of both I would say. So our product is developed on the basis of known scientific research in the areas we focus on.


How would you describe the company culture within Aristotle Technologies?

Jesse: Everyone is quite young, creating an open and inclusive atmosphere where anything can be discussed. We’re hardworking when necessary but also make time for light-hearted conversations. Moreover, we have several advisors with more experience in our field which we can always call for advice.


Why is it important what Aristotle Technologies does?

Jesse: Our integrated software and hardware solutions are designed to improve the well-being of a broad population. These solutions are unique in the market, as few companies offer tools that enable cognitive-physical dual-task training. Research indicates the potential for this combination training in various populations. At this moment, we see our tool implemented in three key areas: education, physiotherapy, and sports.

How do you see Aristotle Technologies contributing to the industry or community?

Jesse: Technology is becoming increasingly crucial in addressing the challenge of improving people’s well-being. Within our team, we possess the knowledge and expertise to respond effectively to all the complexities involved in tackling these issues.

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